If a specific account has been created for you, such specific account may automatically be promoted to become the new NemKonto if you delete your ‘regular’ NemKonto. This will happen if the specific account is not locked for account changes.
A locked account cannot be changed and can in addition not be promoted to a NemKonto. If you want to avoid that a specific account is promoted to a NemKonto in connection with the deletion, you can check whether or not the specific account is locked for changes before the deletion.
You can view details about a specific account by selecting the menu item ‘Specifikke konti’ (Specific accounts) when you log into the self-service solution (You can only see this menu item if you have one or more specific accounts). If, in connection with your deletion of your NemKonto, a specific account is promoted to become your new NemKonto, and you do not want it to be your NemKonto, you can delete it afterwards.