
New company and NemKonto

When your company has received a CVR number/SE number, you have to assign an account as your NemKonto with your bank.

All companies receive public payments from time to time. Such payments include reimbursement of sickness benefits, VAT refunds or other payments from national, regional or local governments. Therefore, all companies with a CVR number/SE number must have a NemKonto, regardless of their size.

When you have assigned a NemKonto, you can log into the self-service solution at and see which account has been registered as the company’s NemKonto. All it takes is that you log on using an employee signature related to the company.

Please note that companies cannot use MitID Privat (private) for the NemKonto business solution. Companies need to MitID Erhverv

Read more about MitID Erhverv.

Updated 20. August 2024