
Overview of how NemKonto works

Private companies can make payments via the NemKonto system. Such a company is called a Private Payer

How does NemKonto work?

The following outlines how your company and the NemKonto system interact.

Private companies or their Private Payment Service Providers send a file containing information that can identify the recipients of the payments (either CPR/CVR/SE/P number). This file is also called a bundle of payment notifications.

The file is sent to the Private Payment Service Provider with information about which NemKonto accounts are assigned to the CPR/CVR/SE/P numbers and which payment notifications that cannot be completed.

The Private Payment Service Providers then perform their usual payment procedures.

NemKonto for Private Payers has a total capacity of 80 bundles of 10,000 payment notifications per hour. This capacity is distributed among the Private Payment Service Providers. The file being sent to the NemKonto system may not contain more than 10,000 payment notifications. The limit on the number of payment notifications has been set to ensure quick response times.

Updated 7. May 2024