
Use of the self-service solution for companies

Here you can read more about NemKonto's self-service solution for companies.

Companies can access the self-service solution by pressing on the blue "Log on" button in the top right corner, or by following the link below.

Self-service for companies.

Beware that has to use MitID Erhverv to access the self-service solution. 

On the self-service companies can do the following:

  • View the company's current NemKonto
  • View the company's previous NemKonto
  • Search for Private Payers who has obtained the company's NemKonto details. 

Note: It is not possible for companies to change or delete the NemKonto through the self-service solution. 

Questions about the self-service solution?

If you have any questions regarding the self-service solution, please contact NemKonto Support on: +45 33 98 00 60 or write via contact form.

Updated 22. August 2024